
德克萨斯南方大学's faculty, 工作人员, and students work together to create a positive change in a global society. 采购服务 enables them to purchase the goods and services they need to do it.

采购服务 reports to the CFO/ Vice President of 金融 & 政府. We are responsible for the following administrative functions: 采购, 应付账款, 旅行, Procurement/旅行 Card Program, 复印材料, Property Management and Central 仓库操作. These functions support and advance the University’s objectives of education, research and public service and protect the University from unnecessary costs and legal challenges.

We offer timely procurement of and payment for quality goods and services, records ownership of and manages the disposal of property for the University. Our department performs these functions to achieve the highest value for University resources, to safeguard its assets and to ensure appropriate stewardship of public funds. The department also acts as a knowledge source for contracting techniques, 采购法律与道德.

采购服务 is located in Suite 333, Hannah Hall Building, 3100 Cleburne St.休斯敦,德克萨斯州77004. The phone number to the main office is (713) 313-7195. Hours of operation are 8am-5:00pm.