

Grants are gift aid from federal, state, or university sources. 这些奖学金是根据学生的需要发放的,不需要偿还. 你必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)以获得助学金. The Federal Pell Grant, 向卓越和访问补助金和TEACH补助金要求注册12个学分,以获得资格获得最高奖励. 某些拨款项目是根据你的注册情况按比例分配的, 但一般来说,学生必须保持至少一半的注册时间才有资格获得奖学金.


Types of Grants
什么是德克萨斯州申请国家财政援助(TASFA)为非公民的缩略图? 一分钟学会它的缩略图-关于联邦勤工俭学你需要知道的6件好事 Thumbnail of What is the difference between a grant and a loan?
Federal Pell Grant  Open
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant  Open
Texas Public Education Grant  Open
Toward EXcellence Access and Success Grant (TEXAS Grant)  Open
TEACH Grant Program  Open
Helen Giddings Completion Grant  Open