Texas Southern University 英国皇家法院

The 英国皇家法院 is a group of male and female students representing each class (freshman, 二年级学生, 初级, and senior) and Mister and Miss Texas Southern, 以优雅, class, and elegance; at the majority of the events held by the university.

Mister Texas Southern University
Miss Texas Southern University



Mister Senior - Ray McChristian III


老小姐——  Raevyn麦克奈特 


少年先生——  杰基爱德华兹 


小小姐——  布丽安娜•特纳 


大二先生—— 卡梅伦Marzell 


〇大二小姐  阿里尔·斯图尔特 


新生先生——  杰米·亨顿 


〇新生小姐  布丽安娜韦伯